internal vs external validity: Internal Validity vs External Validity Examples


This is done so that other researchers may assess the study and determine whether the findings are reliable and valid. ✔ Researchers always assess how well their study performs in terms of both types of validity. 5- Internal validity indicates how well the conclusion is supported. In contrast, external validity determines the extent to which the study is justified in generalizing to another setting. 1- Internal Validity is just a measure of the experiment’s accuracy. External validity, on the other hand, investigates whether or not the cause-and-effect relationship discovered in the experiment may be generalized.

concurrent validity

As participants with different scores are divided into groups, it’s hard to foresee whether outcomes will be in accordance with treatment or statistical parameters. Selection bias At the beginning of study, groups are not comparable. For instance, Group 1 worked hard with a lecturer within the premise of university. Students of this group could get extra valuable insights from an expert. ThreatMeaningExampleSampling biasThe sample does not adequately represent the population. The researcher concludes that mindfulness can assist all clinical populations because anxiety levels dropped between the pre and post-test results.

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Internal validity basically means we can make a causal statement within the context of our study. We have internal validity if, for our study, we can say our independent variable caused our dependent variable. To make that statement we need to satisfy the conditions of causality we identified previously. It is worth noting that even with internal validity, you might have serious problems when it comes to your theory.

Factors relevant to the validity of experiments in social settings. It consolidates the capacity to generalize to other settings, populations, and conditions. Internal vs. external validity focuses on extraneous variable control, while external validity emphasizes practical applicability.

External Validity Example

Often it is less obvious, for example a internal vs external validity in medical settings on a Monday morning will not be representative of the pattern of illnesses seen at other times of the week. A key to improving external validity is to understand the setting thoroughly before you embark upon the study. Performs different processes.FocusYou, in order to make your research highly valid, will require concentrating on a selection of strong research methodology for performing the study.

Again, these are merely examples to show threats to external validity or if research can be successfully generalized. The initial goal, relating directly to the specific test group is internal validity. The second goal, which moves to translate the results to a larger population or setting, is external validity. Another common situation that lacks external validity is mobile testing — most participants will not use mobile designs uninterrupted, sitting at a desk, and connected to wifi. It can, however, be acceptable to test in that setup to identify those issues that will be encountered even in the best-case scenario of a great connection and no interruptions. Those are likely the first issues many mobile sites will need to address — if the site has problems even under ideal conditions, then the design needs to be fixed.

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If you’re designing a site for seniors and recruit study participants from the general population, will that study be valid? Possibly not, because younger participants are likely to behave differently than older ones. Or, if you’re testing a mobile design on a desktop, will your findings generalize to the use of the design in the wild? In both these situations, the studies are missing external validity. A goal of a research study is to make inferences about the way things work in the real work based on the results of a study. For example, we can generalize the results of a study done on a sample population to the population as a whole.

Difference Between Internal and External Validity

Better internal validity often comes at the expense of external validity . The type of study you choose reflects the priorities of your research. Internal validity ascertains the strength of the research methods and design. Conversely, external validity examines the generality of the research outcomes to the real world. External Validity identifies the correctness of the research findings, by examining its applicability from one setting to another. Threats to external validity take place when the specific set of research conditions does not practically consider the interactions of other variables of the real world. is the extent to which the research results can be inferred to world at large. It is a measure of accuracy of the experiment.It checks whether the casual relationship discovered in the experiment can be generalized or not.IdentifiesHow strong the research methods are? In the field of research, validity refers to the approximate truth of propositions, inferences, or conclusions. Internal and external validity are two parameters that are used to evaluate the validity of a research study or procedure.

To be more specific, it is the extent to which results of a study can be generalized to the world at large. Now let’s focus on potential threats that affect experiment design in multi-group study. For instance, IT developers were told to prepare for a final test after the end of the study. Additionally, they were informed that supervisors would ask some employees to take unpaid days off. They were worried because they didn’t know who was going to be chosen.

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It’s important to note that this will present challenges as the real-world environment may change from one location to the next. Speaking of generalization, let’s take the strength example one step further, and apply it to population validity and applying preset circumstances in which a generalization could occur. In the context of questionnaires the term content validity is used to mean the extent to which items on a questionnaire adequately cover the construct being studied. A related, but somewhat confusing, term in questionnaire methodology is factorial validity, which refers to the clustering of correlations of responses by groupings of items in the questionnaire. Basically, the groupings must make intuitive sense to the investigator otherwise the questionnaire has poor factorial validity. Researchers use strategies like sampling model and proximal similarity model to increase the external validity of their studies.

  • Internal validity is an issue in both qualitative and quantitative studies.
  • If comparable control and treatment groups each face the same threats, the outcomes of the study won’t be affected by them.
  • Certain forms of internal validity involve using a manipulated dependent variable that can cause another dependent variable .
  • Random assignment of participants to groups counters selection bias and regression to the mean by making groups comparable at the start of the study.

Internal validity is the degree of assurance that the causal link being examined is reliable and unaffected by other variables and factors. Internal Validity either addresses or eliminates alternative explanation for the result. Internal Validity determines the extent to which the conclusion is warranted. As against this, external validity ascertains the extent to which the study is warranted to generalize the result to another context.

Always strive to find participants who are likely to have the same goals as your users. Internal validity is an issue in both qualitative and quantitative studies. With moderated qualitative studies, the facilitator may inadvertently bias or eliciting a certain response from the participants. For example, even a simple questions such as “Have you found the checkout difficult?

Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in eating behaviors, stress management, and health behavior change. Verywell Mind’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


External validity is concerned with the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other people and situations. A statistical analysis has internal validity if the statistical inference made about causal effects are valid for the considered population. This bias can affect the relationship between your independent and dependent variables.

Experimenter effect Researchers encourage participants about the importance of study and their contribution to a company they work for. Thus, employees focus their attention on an experiment and make more efforts to succeed. History For instance, there was an announcement of a new covid outbreak before pre-test. As a result, an outcome of pre-test can show a high stress level and lack of confidence. Sampling bias Sample incorporates only working staff with three years of experience within a company. They differ from other populations, for example, compared to 1-year employees and other departments.

If there are differences in the settings of the considered populations, e.g., the legal framework or the time of the investigation. In multiple regression, we estimate the model coefficients using OLS. To be fulfilled we need the OLS estimator to be unbiased and consistent.

Another threat to internal validity is related to experimental and nonexperimental research which creates the direction for the cause and effect relationship . With nonexperimental research, it is difficult to determine which variable causes the other and creates the possibility of a third variable . Confounding variables, which are the third variables, can be infinite and are difficult to keep constant . Construct validity is concerned with the operational definition of variables, with the operational definition reflecting the theoretical meaning of those variables . Construct validity wants to identify if the measures being used to measure the identified constructs are right for those constructs . It contributes to the quality of the measurement and the overarching category of this kind of validity (Trochim, Donnelly, & Arora 2016).


During the study, a new manager is hired, which boosts employee satisfaction.MaturationThe dependent variable is influenced by time. External validity is frequently sacrificed for greater internal validity and vice versa. There are three main factors that might threaten the external validity of our study example.

  • Note that random assignment is mandatory when random selection is not possible because of resource or access constraints.
  • Threats to internal validity are important to recognize and counter in a research design for a robust study.
  • Aptitude treatment Interaction with other variables, such as other participants and training exercises on video presentations of study, affects the sample positively.
  • Poorly planned research will translate in results that are invalid.
  • Since the research is focused more on a cause and effect relationship, internal validity will be stronger than external validity.

Randomisation is a powerful tool for increasing internal validity – see confounding. When there’s a good chance that other variables can affect the result, the study has a low internal validity. Good research studies are always designed in a way that tries to minimize the possibility that any variables other than the independent variable affect the dependent variable.

Internal validity is the initial key as it drives the primary data set. Once that is accomplished, external validity may then be achieved in the broader context. For population validity, you can easily generalize the results if the strength measurement was to determine the average number of people who lift weights if the sample size was randomly selected. You determine this verification by the manner in which the independent variable affects the dependent variable and the number of confounding variables that are present or influence the other variables. With paper prototyping, it may be that your results are not externally valid and you will have to retest later on in naturalistic conditions.

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